Monday, May 14, 2012

An Unexpected Surprise

Author's Note:  In our writing circles we picked the topic, murder. So i wrote a small paragraph of a scene that I thought of. This piece has tragedy, sorrow, but also a little mystery. I hope you like it!

I saw her that day, she was laying there on the kitchen floor trying to breath while blood dripped down her neck. I saw her suffer from the tragic accident that had happened. All I knew was that when i walked in the door i saw shattered glass and broken plates all over the place. Sarah, she was my best friend, she was like a sister to me. To see her dead now was like someone stabbing me in the heart. There she goes I thought to myself, she’s gone. I bent down and shut her eyes, the sadness was taking over me. I thought about the memories of our past, the great times we had together. From the first day of preschool to yesterday I remember every second. There was sorrow and weakness in my eyes as I tried to take this in. I looked down below me, at Sarah one last time, the only thing that was running through my mind at the time; this wasn’t just any old accident, but the fact that it was a murder...

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