Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another Life of Me

Author's Note: In this piece, I have analyzed the cause and effects of an event that has happened in my life. Please look for the voice in my writing. I hope that you also think back to a time in your life that has been a gift, and has changed you for who you are!

Each event in our lives happen for a reason; because of one cause we have may effects that come out of it. They are all permanently written in our story, some of them are highlights in our lives, while others are ones that we wish could be erased. In my book one event has changed my life drastically, and that is when I moved to Pewaukee, WI. It all started, when my dad got a job transfer when we lived in India. I didn’t know much because of the fact that I was only two years old. I obviously couldn’t say anything about it, and so I went with the flow. Without that one flight to the US, my life would’ve been so different. I look back into the past, and think what if we didn’t move here. What would’ve happened to me? This one event in my life, changed everything that was going to happen in the near future.

After moving to the US, we first went to West Virginia. My mom, my brother, and I stayed there for a year while my dad came to Waukesha. Later, we moved to Pewaukee with him. Each event that happened, had so many effects to it. Because of my move to Pewaukee, I had a privilege of meeting so many great people. I have made so many friends here ! Each day turns out to be better than the last. Without that move, I wouldn’t have this life I stand in. I wouldn’t have these friends, the vacations, I wouldn’t have any of this. Those few words, “We are moving to Pewaukee!” have my life to its absolute best!

If I didn’t move to Pewaukee, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me. I would’ve lived the lifestyle of a little Indian girl. I still do today, but in a different way. Each time I go and visit, I wonder, “This could’ve been me.” Living here has been a gift, I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Those few words, that one flight, basically that one day, has changed me for who I am. Would I have been different if I lived in India. Would I have ever had the chance to travel the world? I don’t know, but there is something that I do, I have an amazing life. I should be happy with what I have and never be upset with what I don’t. I would’ve been a different Kavitha, if it weren’t for my dad’s job transfer. So thank you, living in Pewaukee is a gift that I shall never forget, no matter what I do and where I go. 

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