Thursday, January 24, 2013

As Life Passes

*Author's Note: Today I decided to write another poem. This time I wanted to try something different, I wanted it to have a pattern. In this piece I have written about how time and life passes by so quickly. So tell me what you think!* 

As the seconds pass,
We look back to
The times of joy,
That our lives
Have held.

As the minutes pass,
We see what has
Broken our life,
And has shattered it
Into pieces.

As the hours pass,
We think of all
We have learned,
What we have
What we have

As the days pass,
We wish for
The best of times,
For mistakes
To be erased.

As years pass,
We stay strong,
Try to stand up,
To continue
Our flight.

As our life passes,
We stand proud,
Thinking of the life
We have struggled,
And won.

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