Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Will It End?

Author's Note: In my writing circle we picked out a sentence and had to improvise from there so here is what I wrote.

I come home and check the messages on my phone, as I listen to the third message I freeze....

I run out the door and into the car. Driving as fast as I could, I couldn’t care less if i got caught by a cop. As I park the car in front of the hospital I dash up stairs to the room. By the time I got there it was too late. He was gone. The person I loved the most, he was all that I ever wanted in the world. To see that he was no longer with me anymore., was painful.The tragedy in front of me, was to much to hold.  I was alone and  there was nobody to help me.  There was nothing I could do to change what happened. Everything happens for a reason I thought to myself. If this is supposed to happen then it shall. There was no way I could do anything about it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

So Many Questioins, Not Enough Answers

Author's Note: So many questions have no answers, but mostly they're the ones about space. A place that never ends...Here is a little something I wrote about this very same thing.

A world without space is a like a life without a soul. The stars up in the air, wishing on everyone that shoots across the sky, space is unlimited... There is no beginning or end to it. Space is so amusing there are things that aren’t even discovered yet! When we think about space so many things come to mind. Are there other universes? Is there life on Mars? Are we the only humans in the galaxy? Lots of questions are unanswered about space, maybe you will be the one to find them.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

God's Gift

Author's Note: The true meaning of life is unwrapped in this piece. From the beginning to the end of this book, everything makes up each and every part in your life.   

L-I-F-E...what is the real definition of this word? Our life is the ultimate gift that we can get. Living in this world is a chance of a lifetime. Choosing our destiny, that right path that leads you to glory, that’s what life is all about.The word life is one of the most difficult words to define. It means something different to each and every person.A way to explain life is by comparing it to a book. 
Each year is a chapter, each day is a page, and each minute is a sentence. You should always keep on turning the pages in your book, forget the past and don’t look back. This book might have a lot of chapters but there is no way you can just jump to one without reading the chapters before. Some books are short and some are long, that’s how life is.
Finding that way glory and turning on the right path are one of life’s most difficult times. Your destination that you end up at will be different depending on what path you take. Your faith and destiny are already chosen for you but you have the power in your hands to change them. No one said that your destiny can’t be changed,by choosing that right path can lead yourself to glory. That one minute in your life when nothing can make you fall down. That moment when you, and only you is it... 
Life has its ups and downs, but at the end everything turns out okay. There are those moments that are unforgettable and then there are those that you want to forget. Sadness, happiness, and fear are all things that are part of life. One day it’ll all end, but those last minutes contain all three of the emotions. The last few seconds of your life bring past memories to mind and you’ll leave this word with a smile on your face.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Life Saving Word

 Author's Note: Food is not just something that taste's good but can change your life. Here are my thoughts of this one word.

From spaghetti to tacos and fried rice to Olive Garden’s bread sticks, food can come all over the world but it only takes one word in any language to describe it: Amazing! Bueno! Incredibile! Food is something that comes from all over the world and every single recipe is simply perfect. One recipe can come out with so many outcomes but at the end all of them will be really good. Food isn’t just something that helps you live but it’s part of your life. The love for food can’t be expressed by words or anything! That one word can save thousands of people around the whole world. Some people don’t even know how good food tastes because they don’t have any. Food is something that can change someone’s life. Something that can taste so good can also be known as a lifesaver.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Author's Note: The meaning and happiness of Winter is revealed in this piece I wrote. Winter is not only the joyful times in our life but also unforgettable.

W-Warm hot chocolate that makes us joyful
I- Isicles hanging from rooftops
N-Nothing is better than the happiness in your heart
T-The first snow fall
E-End of an amazing year that comes with unforgettable memories
R-Railings wrapped with Christmas lights and Christmas spirit

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wanted?? --Valentine's Day

Author's Note: This is a commentary about Valentine's Day. By reading this you'll know exactly how I feel  about this particular holiday.      

         Valentine’s Day, a holiday where you can celebrate with the people you love, but is it really necessary. It’s almost like another Hallmark Holiday if you know what I mean. People can say good stuff about people everyday if they wanted to. Why have a holiday for that. Oh and the cards, the chocolates, and the flowers. That bugs me so much! You could appreciate someone any other day... If there’s a Valentine’s Day then why isn’t there an I Hate You Day. Then at school, kids make a Valentine’s Day box and get cards for everybody... That’s just kind of weird because you would give cards to people you love and when Kindergartners give cards to their classmates... Awkward.. So, tell me one good reason why we should have Valentine’s Day. All in all Valentine’s Day is unneeded and it’s one of those holiday’s that I can’t stand!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life's Rollercoaster Ride

Author's Note: The meaning of life is unwrapped in this book, while true love within family never fails... The roller coaster of life ends one day, while your dreams are shattered and family is gone...

A story of compassion, forgiveness, and love. How a little girl loses everything she has, and starts a new life. The fact that she can say “I survived” is unimaginable. For there is sorrow in her life, but she can no longer cry. The past is the past and she tries to look towards the future.The feeling of “being alone with no one to help you” is always in her heart. Being able to live a life that you thought may never exist, it’s harder than it seems. Back then to survive was a miracle, but now with all the technology it’s improved. Even though we have more things to work with today, people still don’t survive. To let go of the past might be the hardest thing we have to do in our life, sooner or later we have to move one. Suzanne LaFleur’s Love Aubrey truly brings memories from the past and tears to your eyes.

Imagine losing everything you had, the people you love, the people you look up to, the happiness in your life. Letting go is  hard... this is exactly how Aubrey feels. Aubrey, an 11-year-old girl who thought she had everything but lost it all in a flash. Her dad, sister Savannah, and after the tragic car accident her mom leaves her. In this book Aubrey finds a way to move on. By writing letters to them; she tells them exactly how she feels and it makes her feel better. They way she writes, they way she feels, it makes you cry. To be able to move on, is something to be proud of, but at the same time it’s something you’ll never forget. Most people aren’t ready to go back home, and neither is Aubrey. Going home, is something that takes time,you need to be at the right place at the right time. 

“I survived.” Is that something to be proud about or is it something that you’ll regret. Being able to live your life is a dream come true, but there will be obstacles in the way. I once read this book where a boy has lived in a foster home his whole life. When he figures out that the only place where you could go back is home. His dad is still alive and is a famous musician while his mom isn’t with him or anybody anymore. The boy does find his way back home eventually but he ends up living in his mom’s old room. At the end he has people who love him that stand beside him. I guess you can’t ask for anything else, and that is what Suzanne LaFleur is trying to tell us in Love,Aubrey. No matter where you are, if you have somebody with you every step of the way, nothing can hurt you. 

In less than a second your whole life can change. You might not know it then,but after you wake up in the hospital, your mind will be blank. After a silly car accident that wasn’t even your fault, you could lose everything you had. You have to get back up and keep on going. Giving up and not doing anything won’t help you. By going back into your life and brightening it up, it’ll make you feel more confident in yourself. There’s more than just that accident in your mind... But to make that happen, you have to forget the past and move on.

Although life can be tragic, unexpected, or even deceiving at times, it will turn around. We have to deal with it and keep on going. Believe in ourselves and forget about everything around us and choose that right path. The world can be turned around but you have the power to turn it right side up again. Faith is faith and destiny is destiny, nobody can change them, but you can choose a road that leads you to glory. Love, Aubrey a book by Suzanne LaFleur, is unforgettable and it truly does touch your heart.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Letter to a Veteran

Dear World War II Veteran,
       You’ve been through so much, sacrificing your life, and going all the way across the globe to fight for what you believe in. When I see the colors on our flag I think of you. The red for hardiness and valor; blue for vigilance, perseverance, justice; and white for purity and innocence. When I think of you, it makes me feel so proud to live in a free country and you made that happen. I have the rights to what I want whenever I want, all thanks to you. So I just wanted to thank you for everything. You not only fought for me or yourself, but for us. Thank you so much! I will never forget you and you’ll always be in my heart.

Kavitha Babu

Friday, October 14, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

Author's Note: America has been through a lot, but are you proud of what we've done over the past years? Is it worth going over seas and fighting? This is what I think about this, this is something that I truly believe in.
The American flag stands up high up in the air; it is sways in the breeze, uniting us as one, a country.  Red, White and Blue; are three perfect words to describe the USA. Red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white for innocence and purity, and blue which stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. This doesn’t just represent us as one, but as an individual.  I am proud of my country, from what we’ve been through and what we have done, it’s astonishing.
From the beginning in the Revolutionary War, to the Civil War, World Wars I & II, also including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, our country has suffered and sacrificed everything we have. Our forefathers have given everything they had and now it’s our turn. People from all over the country give up what they have and help us. Do they have to do it? No, but they choose too. So now we have to do everything we can. Throughout these years, we’ve lost so many brave soldiers. All these innocent citizens have helped us come this far, I can’t be more proud!
Our country has independence, freedom, and anything you can imagine. I am proud that we have so much, like our education, the money we have, and the homes we live in! There are so many people out there who starve and suffer; we should thank not only God, but the people who made this happen. These veterans have gone through so much, how can I not be proud… We should be thankful for what we have, not only for what we have but where we live.
The United States of America, as that star spangled banner waves in the breeze, we show courage, bravery, and liberty. America is not just a country, it’s our home. I am proud of us, not as an individual but as one. So let god bless us and this country. For what we have, what we’ve done, and what we see around us.  America; the home of the brave and the free.  

Friday, October 7, 2011

An Injured Sea Turtle

Author's Note: What would you do if you saw a sea turtle lying on the ground? If a turtle was on the beach trying to save its life, what could you do about it? Here is a little something I wrote about that very same thing...

I was sitting on the beach, with the wind breezing through my hair. I looked out into the sea, thinking about everything beyond the horizon. The waves were crashing on the shore, while something swept up onto the sand. The sea turtle was lying there helplessly. That poor animal was trying to live, breathing hard, and searching for water. A sea turtle’s life is full of risks, from when they’re born to the last minutes. That sea turtle still could’ve lived, if I did something about it…
One thing that I could’ve done is: I should’ve called animal rescue, and there would be a good amount of people that could have helped the turtle. I don’t know why I just went away and let an animal die like that. By calling animal rescue there would be an increase in 10-20% chance that the sea turtle would live. They would’ve taken the turtle and cured him somehow. If I called them, they would’ve at least done something about it. They would’ve tried to save that poor sea turtle. A turtle’s end could’ve been thwarted.   
There’s something that all of us could do about this too; cleaning up the beach. We have to build a safe environment for the animals around us. When a sea turtle is hatched out of its egg and goes right out into the ocean. If there are cans and sharp items, the first minutes of a sea turtle are destroyed. Think about it, if a sea turtle just hatched in front of your eyes and there a little needle poking out of the sand, and the turtle got hurt. That poor fin. With an injured fin, sea turtles can’t do anything. So people should stop littering and start cleaning up the beach.
Another main cause for a sea turtle to get injured is because of pollution. The seas and oceans covered in trash and sometimes even oil. With all that pollution the sea turtles and all the other animals can hurt themselves. For example, the oil spills. A lot of animals lost their lives. So if you could inhibit pollution that would help the environment but mostly the animals. Little things like not dumping trash into the oceans can help a lot of things; for the animals, for the environment, but mostly for us.  
           That little sea turtle could be swimming in the ocean by now, but sadly it left us. By doing little things to help the environment we can save so many animals out there. So help me, by helping the animals. All you have to do is keep the environment clean and lend a hand them. Sea turtles should still be here, but that’s only if you can help. There amazing and great animals, so let them stay in this world.