Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Will It End?

Author's Note: In my writing circle we picked out a sentence and had to improvise from there so here is what I wrote.

I come home and check the messages on my phone, as I listen to the third message I freeze....

I run out the door and into the car. Driving as fast as I could, I couldn’t care less if i got caught by a cop. As I park the car in front of the hospital I dash up stairs to the room. By the time I got there it was too late. He was gone. The person I loved the most, he was all that I ever wanted in the world. To see that he was no longer with me anymore., was painful.The tragedy in front of me, was to much to hold.  I was alone and  there was nobody to help me.  There was nothing I could do to change what happened. Everything happens for a reason I thought to myself. If this is supposed to happen then it shall. There was no way I could do anything about it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

So Many Questioins, Not Enough Answers

Author's Note: So many questions have no answers, but mostly they're the ones about space. A place that never ends...Here is a little something I wrote about this very same thing.

A world without space is a like a life without a soul. The stars up in the air, wishing on everyone that shoots across the sky, space is unlimited... There is no beginning or end to it. Space is so amusing there are things that aren’t even discovered yet! When we think about space so many things come to mind. Are there other universes? Is there life on Mars? Are we the only humans in the galaxy? Lots of questions are unanswered about space, maybe you will be the one to find them.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

God's Gift

Author's Note: The true meaning of life is unwrapped in this piece. From the beginning to the end of this book, everything makes up each and every part in your life.   

L-I-F-E...what is the real definition of this word? Our life is the ultimate gift that we can get. Living in this world is a chance of a lifetime. Choosing our destiny, that right path that leads you to glory, that’s what life is all about.The word life is one of the most difficult words to define. It means something different to each and every person.A way to explain life is by comparing it to a book. 
Each year is a chapter, each day is a page, and each minute is a sentence. You should always keep on turning the pages in your book, forget the past and don’t look back. This book might have a lot of chapters but there is no way you can just jump to one without reading the chapters before. Some books are short and some are long, that’s how life is.
Finding that way glory and turning on the right path are one of life’s most difficult times. Your destination that you end up at will be different depending on what path you take. Your faith and destiny are already chosen for you but you have the power in your hands to change them. No one said that your destiny can’t be changed,by choosing that right path can lead yourself to glory. That one minute in your life when nothing can make you fall down. That moment when you, and only you is it... 
Life has its ups and downs, but at the end everything turns out okay. There are those moments that are unforgettable and then there are those that you want to forget. Sadness, happiness, and fear are all things that are part of life. One day it’ll all end, but those last minutes contain all three of the emotions. The last few seconds of your life bring past memories to mind and you’ll leave this word with a smile on your face.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Life Saving Word

 Author's Note: Food is not just something that taste's good but can change your life. Here are my thoughts of this one word.

From spaghetti to tacos and fried rice to Olive Garden’s bread sticks, food can come all over the world but it only takes one word in any language to describe it: Amazing! Bueno! Incredibile! Food is something that comes from all over the world and every single recipe is simply perfect. One recipe can come out with so many outcomes but at the end all of them will be really good. Food isn’t just something that helps you live but it’s part of your life. The love for food can’t be expressed by words or anything! That one word can save thousands of people around the whole world. Some people don’t even know how good food tastes because they don’t have any. Food is something that can change someone’s life. Something that can taste so good can also be known as a lifesaver.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Author's Note: The meaning and happiness of Winter is revealed in this piece I wrote. Winter is not only the joyful times in our life but also unforgettable.

W-Warm hot chocolate that makes us joyful
I- Isicles hanging from rooftops
N-Nothing is better than the happiness in your heart
T-The first snow fall
E-End of an amazing year that comes with unforgettable memories
R-Railings wrapped with Christmas lights and Christmas spirit

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wanted?? --Valentine's Day

Author's Note: This is a commentary about Valentine's Day. By reading this you'll know exactly how I feel  about this particular holiday.      

         Valentine’s Day, a holiday where you can celebrate with the people you love, but is it really necessary. It’s almost like another Hallmark Holiday if you know what I mean. People can say good stuff about people everyday if they wanted to. Why have a holiday for that. Oh and the cards, the chocolates, and the flowers. That bugs me so much! You could appreciate someone any other day... If there’s a Valentine’s Day then why isn’t there an I Hate You Day. Then at school, kids make a Valentine’s Day box and get cards for everybody... That’s just kind of weird because you would give cards to people you love and when Kindergartners give cards to their classmates... Awkward.. So, tell me one good reason why we should have Valentine’s Day. All in all Valentine’s Day is unneeded and it’s one of those holiday’s that I can’t stand!!