Monday, June 10, 2013

I Am Done.

These few years have been a blur,
My life my looks are to be a shame.
I have more insecurities,
Than one may believe.
I can't take this anymore.
There is nothing more
To live for.
My life in this world haven't been the best,
I'm sorry to those who cannot take the rest.
The things I've dealt with,
And the suffers I've been through.
Forever and always,
I will be with you.
I shall watch from above,
And never forget
A great family I've had.
Until next time,
I say goodbye.
For my life has not been,
A fairy tale come true.
I have been depressed,
And there's nothing else for me.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Dream..?

Author's Note: For Class, we have to read something in front of the class, so me and Becca decided to write a story together. We did a sentence tag story, so we switched off every sentence. Enjoy, and I hope you laugh-a lot!

My head went bazingaa! That was what happened to me when some random stranger threw a loaf of bread at me. I turned around to them and said, “Do you believe in unicorns?” turns out they didn’t. And it just so happens that there was an ice cream truck coming down the road, so I got a vanilla cone and smashed it against my forehead. HA! So there are unicorns in the world; Some people might think this is weird, but if you knew me, it is perfectly normal. I could tell by the strangers face that he thought it was the strangest thing, so I took out my handy dandy travel size loaf of bread and hit him in the face. Our fight went on for hours, but that’s not even the craziest part; I actually entered the world of Narnia, don’t ask me how, I just did! I roamed the vast forest around the lamp post, and soon came to find a strange woman named the “White Witch”. She gave me this wonderful food called Turkish Delight, and so I climbed onto her coach and we went off. During the ride, she tried to take my stuffed doll Dora, so I said to her “Swiper no swiping!!” I tried to get out, knowing that anyone who looked this horrid is bound to be trouble, thanks to those beavers with the british accents, I did. The beavers took me to the great lion Aslan, and I asked him if he could get rid of the Dora swiping demon for good! He was very wise, and told me that she is too powerful for anybody to kill her, besides the chosen one; which just happened to be...not me. It turned out to be Peter, some random guy that walked into a wardrobe or something. He looked really familiar, kind of like the kid who hit me in the head with the bread. When Peter walked into the room, he said “Greetings Earthlings, I am the chosen one!” To be honest, I didn’t even like the kid. He seemed to be too full of himself. So, who cares if he’s the chosen one, I am the one. I didn’t really see what I was doing here, so I said to them “So.... Can I leave?” Nobody was paying attention to me, so I decided to go back to the lamp post. I was wondering how I was going to get back home, when all of a sudden this creepy centaur thing came up to me and started attacking me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, “AHHHHHHHH! Somebody help me!” I kept yelling, when I found myself waking up. So I guess it was all just a dream... Or so I thought. As i sat back up, I looked around, I was in the middle of the street with bread in my hair and ice cream on my forehead. And to this day, I don’t know... Was it real? Or... A Dream?

And that kids, is the story of Pippy SirSqueeALot and the Dora Swiping Demon, and we’ll see you next week for another story on the Adventures of Piipy SirSqeeALot, good night!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Beginning of an End

Author's Note: In this piece, I wrote a letter to all of the students in my grade. It's almost like a small speech and my thoughts about middle school. It's almost the end of the year, and all of us are going on to high school. So, I hope that this piece…inspires you..?

Dear Students,

Middle school is a wild roller coaster, with twists and turns, ups and downs, yet we got through it somehow. It's been a journey of struggle for some and a breeze for others. Everyone's had their challenges, but we made it to the end. Most of us have been going to school with each other since kindergarten, and to come this far with all of you has been a blessing. Along the way, I have made so many great friends! We may have lost some people, but we gained others too. I couldn't be happier with the students and friends I have ended up with. These past eight years have been so fun, they all of had their weaknesses and strengths, but they have all been amazing.

We have all had different backgrounds, with a different journey, yet somehow fate has brought us together here today. Although our journey together is short, it will be very memorable. We gather here today, to celebrate an accomplishment of all of us. So let this memory last forever. Some day we will all head our separate ways. Who knows, maybe some of us could even end up on Ellen! But, this rollercoaster of middle school will always be with us. We only have four more years left guys…just four more. So let's make the best of it.

Every year, we grow stronger and stronger together. We started out as strangers, to classmates, to friends, and now one beyond all: we have grown together to become a family. Our journey in Asa Clark Middle School may have come to an end, but our ship has just set sail.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

To Hear A Hand

Author's Note: For the past several weeks, I have been learning sign language. It's been so great learning all the different signs. I've suddenly loved this feeling, of speaking through your hands. So I decided to write a poem in the point of view of a deaf person. Sorry about the long author's note, but I just want you to realize how hard it would be for them. I hope you enjoy this poem, there is so much emotion behind it! 

I may not hear,
I may not speak.
The simple pleasures,
Everyone seek,
Are nothing to me.
The whistles of the wind,
The claps of thunder,
I will never know.
My ears may not work,
My mouth may not say.
You might have it all,
But I have more.
A community of my own,
People like me.
I may be deaf,
I may be an outcast,
To everyone besides me.
I am me,
Everything I've wanted to be.
I have a life,
I have a dream.
I will achieve.
For these hands I use,
May be clueless to some,
Yet they enclose language.
I can now speak.
I can now hear a hand.
Every letter.
Every word.
Every sign. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Bead That Saved the Earth

Author's Note: I wrote this piece with Callie. We switched off every sentence. Both of us had a fun time writing this! It is meant to be read for joy and I didn't work on anything in this piece. Beware. This may be a little too much mental nonsense for the human brain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!” I shouted. I couldn’t believe that it had come down to this. The meteor was racing down past the atmosphere. I could feel the heat radiating off of the giant rock that was going to end my life. If I wanted to survive, there was only one thing I could do: run. It’s not like I was the only person in the city who had thought of this; everybody was pushing and shoving, trying to reach anywhere else, but it was too late. The meteor was coming down at my beautiful face as fast as light; it was all going to end in a matter of seconds.

The strange thing about this particular attack from space, was that it seemed to target the entire city. I never understood why I chose the decision I made, but I decided that it was up to me to save the city from destruction. In the possible last seconds of my life, I pulled the small round bead from my back pocket. I threw it on the ground knowing it was no use. Then I pulled out the square bead, knowing it was my last chance of survival. Man, did I have a lot of beads in my pocket. Luckily the square bead was the right one to save the city. As the meteor was scraping the earth’s mantle heading right towards me, I put the bead in front of my feet. Then at the last second I leaped as high as I could until gravity pulled my feet down on top of the square bead.I put my hands out, as if I were superman, and tried to stop the meteor.

I had been expecting immediate death, but when the meteor hit my hands, it was if a giant beach ball had fallen from the sky. I used ray guns, which happened to be in my back pocket,  to burst the meteor into thousands of tiny little rocks; and that kids is how rocks were formed.

Of course I couldn’t leave all the rocks in my city, so gathering the “rocks do exist” club nerds from my school, I spread them throughout the planet. History was made in about 7.34 seconds. YOU ARE WELCOME SCIENTISTS OF THE FUTURE!!! My name is Helga Bitterdot, and I approve this message.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Never Grow Up

Author's Note: It's the last day of April, one with a lot of sun too. I found this picture online, and I guess, it spoke to me. It reminded me of a great childhood I lived. So I wrote a poem. I've never responded to a picture before, so I gave it a go. I hope you can connect to your past and those great memories! Enjoy! 

I dream of flying,
Out into the well lit sky.
My childhood was full of
Happiness, excitement, and tranquility.
I wish I could go back in time,
And never grow up.

No stress, no pain,
It was a time of pure innocence.
I had something to look forward to,
With no guilt.
There was no greed,
Or no sorrow.
I wish I could go back in time,
And never grow up.

I could be me,
Everything I wanted to be.
There was no one to judge,
It was unforgettable.
A society of nothing,
But free spirits.
I wish I could go back in time,
And never grow up.

There was no pressure on me,
And my future self.
My heart was filled,
With joy and a clear conscience.
Everyone was pure,
With free will.
Some days,
I wish I could go back in time.

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Death of Misery

Author's Note: I didn't know what to write today, so I decided to write a poem. I've never written a poem that rhymes so I decide to take the challenge. In this piece every two lines rhyme. I hope you like it!

The sun shimmers in the sky, 
As I say goodbye.
My heart is filled with discontent,
The whole one hundred percent.
This death is misery,
For me and her family.

I hold her hand,
Hoping she will understand.
I scream and shout,
To let it all out.
Revenge is near,
I say with complete fear.

I don't know where to go or what to say,
But those people will surely pay.
The rain starts to pour,
She is here no more.
All I can do is sit here and cry,
For my best friend has just died.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard

Author's Note: This is the essay I wrote for gym class. Our topic we had to write about was, "What value does physical activity provide you?". In this essay I have talked about the enjoyment and challenge gym class provides you. I hope you like it! 

As I run the last 100 meters, the intensity in me rises up into my throat. Fear rages through my body. Am I going to make my goal? My legs haven't worked this hard before. Will I do it? Questions run through my brain while I sprint out the home stretch. It's going to be these four laps that decide it all. I can see the finish line from here; I run as fast as I can. My legs barely make it to the end, but as I run right past the finish, a big bright smile lights up my whole face. I did it. I just ran a mile.

It's a time to take a break from the day and all your classes. It's a class where all you have to do is have fun. It's a time of day where you can relax and just play. It's gym. Fitness and health are two key components in our lives, and gym class takes us through everything. Although there are times you have to work hard, gym class is all about having fun and trying your best. It doesn't matter how good you are, it's all about enjoying your time in the gym. Physical activity has made a huge impact in my life, even if it doesn't take up that much space.

Basketball, tennis, hockey, soccer, you could keep listing all of the different types of sports we play in class. The twists, the different ideas, and re-creations of these games are really cool. Physical activity gives me something to look forward to in the day. It's a time where you can just have fun playing sports and different games. It calms people down and overall it is just a fun class.   When you walk inside the gym and see that your going to play your favorite game, it's really exciting.

Gym class has always brought joy to the heart, but sometimes, it isn't all about fun and games. Some days, you have to work really hard. Testing gives you an overall fitness level for you. Having goals, makes you put in the effort to show everyone that I can work hard and do all of this. It doesn't matter who does better than you, you are your worst enemy. So every time I step foot into that gym, I want to do better and better each time. I will prove to everyone that I can be just as good as them. If I fall down, that's alright. All I have to do is get up on my two feet and try again.

Physical activity certainly is challenging, but there is no rule to not make it fun. That's what gym's all about. It gives you something to look forward to, and it makes you work harder each and every day. What has it provided for me? Well, not only has it been a challenge and makes me put in lots of effort, but it also is very enjoyable. It makes you really happy if you make a basket or even one point in a game. Physical activity may not play the lead role of my life, but it certainly does make a huge impact.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How I See It

Author's Note: In this piece I have translated Sonnet 1 by William Shakespeare. I wrote what I thought he was trying to convey in the poem. So here is my version of Shakespeare's sonnet. 

From fairest creatures we desire increase, 
We want the lives of people who are "above" us
That thereby beauty's rose might never die, 
So by wanting more and trying to reach that point, the beauty within us will never go away
But as the riper should by time decease, 
As the older we get,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
The generations upon us will remember us for who we were
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
We are who we are
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Make yourself feel better by noticing the good things about you.
Making a famine where abundance lies, 
We make ourselves starve for more, when there is plenty of pleasures within us
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
We are our worst enemies, we are too cruel to ourselves
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament 
You are the world's beautiful ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring, 
And the signal to a beautiful time
Within thine own bud buriest thy content 
We bury our happiness beneath ourselves,
And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding. 
And think of ourselves as peasants and not being worth it.
    Pity the world, or else this glutton be, 
Have pity on the world and you, or else you will become selfish and self centered 
    To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.
By keeping your beauty to yourself until the end of your life.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Unpainted Canvas

Author's Note: This is a persuasive piece. I've never written one before, so I decided I'd give it a go. The topic I chose is graffiti. This is something that I have a lot of passion for. So I hope my voice really comes through in this piece. I hope you enjoy it!

Art. A way to express yourself without using words, it's a way to take a break from life. It gives peace to the mind and  takes you to a whole other world.  It is a freedom of voice, you can say whatever you want and there is no one to back you down. Street art is the perfect way for artists to show the world their talent. They have a bigger canvas, a larger audience, and more eyes to see their work. It's the only way for people to show their true selves.  Graffiti should not be illegal, it's the only way for some people to get out of their lives and let go.

Graffiti is just like any other type of art, whether it's painting, drawing, or sculpting. When these pieces are able to be shown in museums, then so can this. There is no difference between these types of art. It's just like people, the art may look different, but they are all basically the same thing. The world is like a museum, there is something to be seen and to learn about. The world is a larger area for artwork to be shown, because of that we should use it. Graffiti artists have a bigger showcase to share with the world and for people to see. Art is a way to let go and be free, it doesn't make sense to limit the freedom or have restrictions against an artist and their passion.

Although graffiti is a type of art, you don't know who created it. These artists are unknown to the world. Each person has their specific style, so when seeing two pieces that look alike you know it's the same artist. Graffiti artists go through so much, whether it's an incident from their life or a problem they are facing; street art is a way for them to unleash themselves. The only way that these artists can be discovered and make other people become fascinated about their artwork is by showing the world. Without graffiti, we wouldn't be able to enjoy these pieces, and most importantly the talent of these artists would be hidden in the shadows.

Street art is a way for unknown artists to be discovered,but some people don't think of it like that. They consider it as if it is vandalism. People who do graffiti mainly do it on a rundown building or old warehouses. These places are not going to be used anymore, they are unpopulated areas, so why can't these artist use it for their work? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary vandalism is destruction or damage to public property. You don't abuse the buildings, you simply modify them with art. All in all, graffiti isn't a harm to anyone or anything, it's a way to express yourself in a way where not only your friends or family can see, but the entire world.

When we go across graffiti around cities, most people ignore it and keep moving, but me, I don't do that. I like to stop the car and go see the artwork. For me graffiti is another way to set free and be spontaneous at the same time. The feeling of the spray can in your hands and just painting is the greatest pleasure an artist could have. If someone were to stop you from doing what you love you wouldn't. That's the way I feel about graffiti. It shouldn't be illegal. Art knows no limits. You can't set boundaries to art, it's a world of its own that more people should pay attention to. The world is our canvas, it's time that we fill up the blank spots, and start painting.