Monday, April 8, 2013

In the Midst of it All

Author's Note: Today I decided to write a poem, because it's been so long. Recently I participated in Solo and Ensemble and I was really excited that I got a one. So to say how I feel about it and music in general I decided to base my poem on this topic. Please pay attention to my use of capitalization and bolding. Enjoy!

I get out of My world,
To seek another. 
I play the instrument,
As I let go to everything aroUnd me.
The emotions  I seek,
Have eScaped and relief fills up my heart.
I overcome happiness,
As my face is turned on
like switch to a light.
It glows in the mIdst 
of my pain, joy, and anger. 
I have finally unleashed my true self,
And my love for this exciting,
yet Compassionate art.


"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." ~Plato 

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