Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Break From Reality

Author's Note: This is a review from our spring concert last week. I wrote this piece as if I were a critique/reviewer and said my personal thoughts about how we did. This is my last "formal" concert in band, and it was very memorable. I will miss playing with such wonderful musicians! 

The night of March 6, 2013 at 6:30 pm, the bands of Asa Clark Middle School did a nice job at their spring concert. It was held at the Pewaukee High School auditorium, this concert showed the talents of both seventh and eighth grade students who were part of regular band and Jazz Ensemble. All bands were professional and were determined to end the year with an outstanding performance. Throughout the entire concert the students of Asa Clark Middle School proved themselves in each of their pieces; whether it was the choice of song, the musical elements in their pieces,  or the overall mood of the performances, the whole concert was a job well done.

The 7th graders started off the concert with lots of energy. You could see in them that they were confident, and have practiced a lot for this concert. For each piece the environment changed, which was very nice. Especially for the piece with the three movements in it, each one had its own emotional contrast. Whether it was a fast paced movement or a slower melody, the mood was perfect for each piece. Jazz band did a fabulous job in their pieces. The saxophone solo in the first piece was very well played. The 8th grade band came out just as good as the 7th graders in their pieces too. The mood and emotion in each song was really good. Between The Great Locomotive Chase and Among the Clouds  there is a drastic change in the type of piece it is, from a fast piece to very majestic, the band carried out the mood throughout the songs. As a listener, you could see the difference of emotion and mood in how the band played it. No matter what band it was there was a variety of music throughout the concert.

Not only did the bands change the environment throughout the concert, the musical elements in each of their pieces were also well played. The 7th graders did play correct notes, and their articulation was good too. As for me, I would’ve liked to hear more dynamic contrast, in some of their songs the volume was the same throughout the piece. The crescendos and decrescendos could have been accented more, so you could really hear the change in dynamics. Overall, the 7th grade band did a nice job in their portion of their concert. 8th grade band kept the tempo steady most of the time, they could work on their dynamics a little more, but you could see the differences and point out a crescendo. Personally, I thought that some parts in Among Clouds, like the beginning and ending had a good phrasing. From what I know, most of the notes, rhythms and basic things were played well too. All the bands carried out a great vibe throughout the concert.

After this concert, I am proud to say that each and every member of band has become a musician. From the way that they  have played and the improvement they have made, each person deserves to be named an artist. We could tell that everybody worked very hard for this concert and put their all into it. From the beginning of the year in the fall concert to the spring, there was a huge difference in how they played. The improvement in all of the bands is just amazing. As a listener, you could point out saying they worked on this part a lot. Each element of the concert was memorable. From the mood they carried out, to the musical elements,  and the songs they played the 7th and 8th grade band members have done a very good job. Music is great way to express yourself and get a break from life, and that is what the concert has done for me. From everything that is going on, the concert and band have been a great way to escape from reality. So thank you to the students of Asa Clark Middle School. This concert has been memorable and everybody did a fantastic job! 

Rating: 8 of 10 Stars 

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